First 24 Hours in Buenos Aires

Are 24 hours enough to become enamored of a new city? Well, Buenos Aires worked its magic quickly on us. After a long flight and a stressful process to get our dog through customs, we didn’t get into our place until very late, with just enough energy to fall into bed. But the next day, we awoke to sunny weather and the stress melted away.

We spent the day wandering aimlessly around San Telmo to get a feel of our new neighborhood, and it didn’t take long before any doubts we’d had about our new location had vanished. Check out our images, to get a sense of how we experienced our first day in the big city.
I would love to know what those initial doubts were about your new neighborhood. Please share, they will probably help those that are looking to travel and find themselves in neighborhoods that they are doubtful about.
I before followed you through my hometown of Savannah, and now looking forward to following you two through Buenos Aires.
Enjoy this journey.
Tonya – Thank you so much for tagging along 🙂 San Telmo used to be very run down and not so safe. And some people would consider it still not to be trusted, especially at night. But so far we had no problems and don’t feel uncomfortable. Matter of fact we are loving it!!!
Were the numbered tickets at the bakery on Peru? I’m trying to place each of the pictures. Some I get right away, others are a bit harder. The guy climbing in the building is on Cochabamba. Oh, and I love the shots of Parque Lezama (w/ the Russian Orthodox Church on the side). Great!
Yes it was that bakery – I took the picture when you took us there. I think you got them all 😉
oh yay, my corner is there… the upstairs window cafe rivas (with the bougainvillea). Its got boards behind the windows because thats where the stage is and where wonderful music happens, yummy food downstairs too… Lovely blog! we fell in love with Buenos Aires within 24 hours too, its been a year now and still in love with it!
Oh – what picture is the cafe rivas again? Hmm wondering what their program is these days. Please share some tips with us, we are always looking!!!!