La Guia “T” – The Buenos Aires Bible
It’s a book which should be within reach at all times. It’s studied and consulted, especially during times of trouble. Without it, this illuminating guide, this constant companion, life would be even more a struggle. And yes, I worship it. The Guia “T”.

Honestly, when you get to Buenos Aires, you’ll want to pick up a Guia “T”. If you plan on taking the bus while here, the guide is indispensable, but it’s good to have in any case. A more thorough, useful map of the city doesn’t exist. One of the most common sights in Buenos Aires is a person with their nose buried in the Guia “T”.
I always had my well-thumbed copy with me, and should I have carelessly forgotten it at home, I’d go back to retrieve it, even if we were 10 minutes away. I don’t care. With the city broken into 36 quadrants, an exhaustive list of every street spread across 20 pages, and the routes of all 200+ city bus lines, this guide makes life much, much easier.
You can get them at any kiosk for about 10 pesos, and it’s the best money you can spend.
Hahha, five years later and three continents away, I still have my worn down Guia T sitting on my bookshelf as a souvenir!