Bakano – Our Pizza Addiction Threatens to Destroy Us

During a recent excursion into Palermo Hollywood, I began to feel faint. Taking a seat on the curb, I went through a mental checklist; I’d had plenty of water, a hearty breakfast and a good night of sleep. But something was off… and suddenly I realized. I hadn’t eaten pizza in nearly 4 hours.

Bakano Pizza in Buenos Aires with olive on top

“Jürgen… ” I stammered, barely clinging to consciousness, “help me… find…”

When I came to, I was seated in front of a plate of empanadas and a big, cheesy pizza. Reflexively, I shoved a slice into my mouth, and soon felt strength flood back into my veins. “You’ve saved me yet again, old chum. But say. Where are we?”

Bakano Pizza Oven in Buenos Aires

Where we were was on the balcony of a popular pizza restaurant called Bakano. “Bakano” is Colombian slang for cool and, from our perch overlooking Palermo Hollywood, we found the restaurant very bakano, indeed. Like most spots in Palermo, this pizzería is relatively new; it only opened in 2006, but it seems to have caught on, especially with the lunchtime business crowd. A television station’s headquarters are nearby, and we were told that it’s not uncommon to see famous people grubbing here.

The pizza and empanadas were good, but we enjoyed the balcony view the most. That, and the odd choice of soundtrack… the Star Wars theme was blasting from inside the restaurant. If you’re in Palermo Hollywood and suddenly find yourself in desperate need of pizza, definitely check out Bakano.

Bakano Pizza Photos

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Cuffy

    Food porn! Mmmmmmmm.

  2. Angela

    What gorgeous photos. The empanadas look amazing! The pizza looks really good, too. But you guys have got to try Siamo nel Forno next time you’re in Palermo Hollywood. It’s soooo good. Let us know what you think if you go.

  3. Juergen

    We actually try going there today but it was closed!!!! Oh well – trying again at one point. Maybe trying again next week.

  4. Markus

    In fact bacán (they just replaced the c for a k and added a masculine form to the adjective) it’s Argentine lunfardo language, even tho the word spread all over Latin America.

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