For 91 Days in Buenos Aires

Adventures, anecdotes and advice from three months exploring Buenos Aires

For 91 Days we lived in Buenos Aires. The capital of Argentina, and the home of tango, this is one of the world’s most vibrant cities, and we had an incredible time getting to know its culture, cuisine and people. Three months was hardly enough to properly explore all the neighborhoods, from San Telmo to Palermo, but we tried our best!
Whether you're planning your own journey to Buenos Aires, or just interested in seeing what makes it such a special city, our articles and photographs should help you out.

Recoleta Cemetery

One of Buenos Aires' most beautiful neighborhoods is also one of its most exclusive. They won't let just anyone move in, so if you're looking for a new home here, there are a couple of inflexible prerequisites: you must be rich, and you must be dead. Being famous helps.

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Riding the Bus

After watching a few barrel at breakneck speed down San Telmo's tiny cobblestone streets, more inclined to use their horns than breaks when approaching an intersection, we concluded that buses must be the fastest way to get around Buenos Aires. And funnest.

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