For 91 Days in Buenos Aires

We lived in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina and the world's 7th biggest city, for three months -- from February to May, 2011. It was still summer when we arrived, and after a chilly winter in Savannah, GA, we were happy to explore our new temporary home in shorts and sandals. By the time we left, the temperatures had cooled down, but we were still enjoying brisk, sunny fall days.

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The National Museum of Fine Arts

We confidently strode up the stairs of an impressive neoclassical building, convinced that it was the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Passing between the massive gray Doric columns, a guard brusquely informed us that we were actually at the University's Law School. He shoved us off toward a nearby clump of dark red clay, which had been been molded into the form of a building.

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